Friday, June 15, 2012

Interview on Piggy D

”Piggy D walked away from hurricane Katrina only to realize the storm was the warm up gig.”
In the last 15 years, across 10 countries, hundreds of thousands have witnessed the relentless passion on stage that is Piggy D. From the knife-fight of a stage show that was AMEN (2002 – 2004), to the shocking and eye-catching WEDNESDAY 13 (2004 – 2006) and now beside ROB ZOMBIE, Piggy has owned his corner of the stage as a guitarist and a bassist since the age of 15. Now with the release of the new album ‘The Evacuation Plan’, Piggy D comes to yet another crossroads: taking the reins as frontman, musician, and sole writer. The hard rock opus he has created documents the break-ups of bands, love relationships, and that daunting task of starting over after losing it all.
Piggy wrote 35 songs for his long awaited debut album, living in exile from his home in New Orleans just after the hurricane. He dove headfirst into the experience pulling all the lyrics from journals kept throughout the years. The result was a compelling collection of brutally honest rock songs and unexpected epic ballads.
At the first line of the opening track ‘Brave or Faithless’, he takes you back to the heart of it all with unflinching lyrics and a hook that grabs ahold of the listener and won’t let go. Perhaps the most poignant moment on the record is to be found in the anthemic ‘Roll Call’. Its simplicity and enduring strength under the worst of circumstances makes it an ode to anyone who ever felt left behind.
Joined in the studio by drummer Tommy Clufetos (Rob Zombie), guest vocalist Calico Cooper, and co-producer Dave Spreng (Damone) Piggy completed the album in the spring of 2007. July 31, 2007 marks the indie release of a candid and exhilarating story. It’s a story of survival in the face of stunning opposition and a victory of the spirit that reminds us that love CAN conquer all…

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